Shop safely online

Online shopping is becoming more common as technology progresses, it is important to maintain a certain level of caution while shopping online to avoid losing your credit card details or getting scammed.

Is this website trustworthy?

Is it a well-known marketplace? Some known marketplaces such as Amazon have reviews of which you can read to identify the quality of the merchandise. However, some lesser-known websites could easily set up a fake review system in which all the reviews are written by the website administrator. If you are unsure, it is recommended to use a search engine to look up “the_shop_name reviews” and explore an outsider’s perspective of the shop.

Is the payment method secure?

Any website using a hypertext transfer protocol “HTTP” over a more secure “HTTPS” for the payment is not secure enough. While using an “HTTPS”, the data sent through the website will be encrypted , which makes it harder to steal.

Use the right payment method!

Depending on where you are, the right payment method can differ. You can use a payment platform like paypal which allows you to refute payments. You can also use prepaid cards which contain limited sums. 

Stay safe, with bits of froople!