Downloading Things

Before you start downloading anything online, it’s crucial to understand the risks and how to protect yourself from potential dangers. The field of cybersecurity is always evolving, and staying informed is your best defense against cyber threats.

Dangers to downloading things without caution:

Downloading files from the internet can expose you to various risks. Malicious downloads could contain adware, viruses, or even grant unauthorized access to your device, jeopardizing your sensitive information and making your device a tool for criminal activities.

How to reduce danger:

Analyze the source

  • The first thing you should do is confirm whether or not the website url is using “Https”. Having a secure connection to the site is important.
  • Verify the trustworthiness of the website. If unsure, search for reviews and feedback from other users.

Secure your device

  • Install reputable antivirus software. While not foolproof, it can shield you from many common threats.

Verify the files

  • Make sure the files you are downloading are truly what you intended to download. Start by checking the filename followed by the file extension. If you are attempting to download a pdf document but instead end up with an exe file, then something went wrong.
  • Always be cautious with exe files. If you download an exe file , it is a good habit to check the digital signature of the file. You can do this on a windows pc by right clicking the file , selecting “properties” then going to the “digital signatures” tab.

Stay safe, with bits of froople!